Tip 29: Preprocessor tricks!
28 November 11. [link]
level: getting advanced
purpose: turn code into more code
Part of a series of tips on POSIX and C. Start from the tip intro page, or get 21st Century C, the book based on this series.
The token reserved for the preprocessor is the octothorpe, #, and the preprocessor makes three (3) entirely different uses of it.
You know that a preprocessor directive like #define
begins with a # at the head of the line.
Whitespace is ignored, so here's your first tip: you can put throwaway macros in the
middle of a function, just before they get used, and indent them to flow with the
function. According to the Old School, putting the macro right where it gets used is
against the Correct organization of a program (which puts all macros at the head of
the file), but having it right there makes it easy to refer to and makes the throwaway
nature of the macro evident.
Next use of the #: in a macro, it turns input code into a string. Here's the code from Tip #23, slightly rewritten:
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ #define peval(cmd) printf(#cmd ": %g\n", cmd); double *liszt = (double[]){1, 2, 3}; double list[] = {1, 2, 3}; peval(sizeof(liszt)/(sizeof(double)+0.0)); peval(sizeof(list)/(sizeof(double)+0.0)); }
When you try it, you'll see that the input to the macro is printed as plain text, because
is equivalent to cmd
as a string.
So peval(list[0])
would expand to
printf("list[0]" ": %g\n", list[0]);Does that look malformed to you, with the two strings
"list[0]" ": %g\n"
next to each other? Next preprocessor trick: if two literal
strings are adjacent, the preprocessor merges them into one:
"list[0]: %g\n"
. And this isn't just in macros:
printf("You can use the preprocessor's string " "concatenation to break long lines of text " "in your program. I think this is easier than " "using backslashes, but be careful with spacing.");
Conversely, you may want to join together two things that are not strings. Here, use two
octothorpes, which I will herein dub the hexadecathorpe : ##. If the input is LL
then when you see name ## _list
, read it as LL_list
, which is a valid and
useful variable name.
Gee, you comment, I sure wish every array had an auxiliary variable that gave
its length. OK, let's write a macro that declares a local variable ending in _len
for each list you tell it to care about. We'll even make sure every list has a terminating marker, so you don't even need the length.
That is, this macro is total overkill, but does demonstrate how you can generate lots of little temp variables that follow a naming pattern that you choose.
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> //NAN #define Setup_list(name, ...) \ double *name ## _list = (double []){__VA_ARGS__, NAN}; \ int name ## _len = 0; \ for (name ## _len =0; !isnan(name ## _list[name ## _len]); \ name ## _len ++) /*do nothing.*/; int main(){ Setup_list(items, 1, 2, 4, 8); // Now we can use items_len and items_list: double sum=0; for (double *ptr= items_list; !isnan(*ptr); ptr++) sum += *ptr; printf("total for items list: %g\n", sum); // Some systems let you query an array for its // own length using a form like this: #define Length(in) in ## _len sum=0; Setup_list(next_set, -1, 2.2, 4.8, 0.1); for (int i=0; i < Length(next_set); i++) sum += next_set_list[i]; printf("total for next set list: %g\n", sum); }
The macro above really is pretty bad form, and tries to hard for the sake of demonstrating
multiple new variables. But there are some in the Old School who eye all macros warily. C
is built upon expressions, which evaluate to produce other expressions, and can be
plugged in wherever. That's why you can write things like if (x = (y==f(z))...
it all makes sense (or at least, compiles correctly). The macros above don't produce
expressions, but are blocks of code that generate new variables and do all sorts of math
along the way.
Macros are a pain to debug and can do tricky things, so here's my subjective style tip:
lean toward macros that aren't expressions, and which can't be used in the middle of a
stream of math even if you wanted to. When something breaks, you'll need to hunt
through the macro to find the error; it's a pain, but at least you have the block of
code the macro produces isolated.
[Previous entry: "Tip 28: Vectorize a function"]
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