Uniform model forms and microsimulations
26 June 13. [link] PDF version
This is the first of an N
I wrote a paper
(PDF) on many of the topics I'll cover. That paper focuses on designing and using
black box models as the basis for a modeling system. It may sound trivial, but I
wound up writing two dozen single-spaced pages on the implications. The paper is
still a draft and I expect to present some small subset of it at a workshop at
So my self-interested goal in posting is to get your comments and suggestions.
The first few episodes of this blog series will be an informal discussion of the problems
and benefits of fitting models into uniform black boxes. On the problem side, is it reasonable
to fit `nonparametric' models into parameter-centric form? What happens when we have a
stochastic likelihood function? On the benefit side, we're going to have
methods to measure the variance of the parameters of any given model.
Once we've surmounted the technical details, then we can put the sort of simulations
people don't think of as models into the model box, and use the above black box tools
directly to calculate parameter variances or assign priors to ABM inputs and
produce posterior distributions for those inputs.
By way of introduction to this little series, here is a question I have often pondered:
how have our general systems for statistical and scientific computing progressed past
FORTRAN `77? F77 has great matrix facilities built in to the language; is Turing
Complete, so you can write anything in it; and has good libraries for random number generation,
optimization, linear algebra, regressions, or statistical distributions. That list
basically summarizes the capabilities of the typical scientific computing language
today. Graphics and a nice REPL are splendid, but that's about the
environment, not the language itself.
I'd be interested to hear your take on my F77 question, but my own response is in the
form of Apophenia, the library of stats functions I've
been working on since 2005. It is built on two basic structures. The apop_data
mashes together vector, matrix, and text elements, and handles text and row/column
names, but like matrices in Stata or Matlab, or data frames in R, it's just a few
conveniences beyond a FORTRAN array.
The apop_model structure describes a statistical model. Given a model, we can
estimate it with data, make random draws from it, transform it or combine it with other
models to produce new models, or send it to functions like optimizers or bootstrappers.
Having a structure like this in FORTRAN `77 is on the edge of possible. I
picked F77 for my question because it doesn't have a grammar for structures (aka
objects). All of the more modern languages do, and yet so few use them to represent
anything in the statistical domain beyond data sets.
As this series will demonstrate with running examples, there are a lot of benefits
to wrapping all the details of a model into a single object, which can be referred
to by a single name when interrogating and dissecting it, and to the typical programmer,
this sort of encapsulation is natural. I've had a variant of this conversation with
several people:
Me: I think statistical models should be first-class objects in our languages. They
should have a consistent interface, whether they're linear regressions or Bayesian
posteriors, and we should have lots of functions written around that single form,
Imaginary Friend: That's completely obvious. Say something interesting.
Me: Do you have any examples of computing platforms that are built around a general model object like that?
IF: Well, not exactly. But you could implement this in R in, like, an hour.
Me: Could you point me to an R package that does this?
IF: Not exactly, no. But I'll bet nobody's done it because it's just so obvious.
Given so little precedent for model structures--especially ones that can accommodate
a microsimulation, the next few episodes will cover some of the less-obvious details
about making this obvious concept a reality. Then we can get to transformations and
Reader, if you have examples of a system built on a generalized model object,
I'd love to hear it, so I can expand my lit review. As for R packages, I already know
about Rapophenia.
[Previous entry: "Emulating others and fat-tailed distributions"]
Models as black boxes
estimate(data, model)
or boostrap(data, model)
posterior_model = update(data, prior_model, likelihood_model)
[Next entry: "What goes into a model?"]