Apophenia v1.0

06 December 15. [link] PDF version

Apophenia version 1.0 is out!

What I deem to be the official package announcement is this 3,000 word post at medium.com, which focuses much more on the why than the what or how. If you follow me on twitter then you've already seen it; otherwise, I encourage you to click through.

This post is a little more on the what. You're reading this because you're involved in statistical or scientific computing, and want to know if Apophenia is worth working with. This post is primarily a series of bullet points that basically cover background, present, and future.

A summary

Apohenia is a library of functions for data processing and modeling.

The PDF manual is over 230 pages, featuring dozens of base models and about 250 data and model manipulation functions. So if you're thinking of doing any sort of data analysis in C, there is probably already something there for you to not reinvent. You can start at the manual's Gentle Introduction page and see if anything seems useful to you.

For data processing, it is based on an apop_data structure, which is a lot like an R data frame or a Python Pandas data frame, except it brings the operations you expect to be able to do with a data set to plain C, so you have predictable syntax and minimal overhead.

For modeling, it is based on an apop_model structure, which is different from anything I've seen in any other stats package. In Stats 101, the term statistical model is synonymous with Ordinary Least Squares and its variants, but the statistical world is much wider than that, and is getting wider every year. Apophenia starts with a broad model object, of which ordinary/weighted least squares is a single instance (apop_ols).

By assiging a format for a single model structure:

What v1 means

From here, the code base is in a good position to evolve:

By the way, Apophenia is free, both as in beer and as in speech. I forget to mention this because it is so obvious to me that software—especially in a research context—should be free, but there are people for whom this isn't so obvious, so there you have it.

A request

I haven't done much to promote Apophenia. A friend who got an MFA from an art school says that she had a teacher who pushed that you should spend 50% of your time producing art, and 50% of your time selling your art.

I know I'm behind on the promotion, so, please: blog it, tweet it, post it on Instagram, make a wikipage for it, invite me to give talks at your department. People will always reinvent already-extant code, but they should at least know that they're doing so.

And my final request: try it! Apophenia doesn't look like every other stats package, and may require seeing modeling from a different perspective, but that just may prove to be a good thing.

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